Monday 2 February 2009

And whilst I'm on the subject....

.... need to have a moan about Ryanair (so feel free to skip this post as it will likely be deeply uninteresting and completely irrelevant).
They go on and on and on about how they're cheaper than other airlines, but really they're not. Oh yes, first glance - fare out = £0.00; return £74.99pp -> bargain! But then there's the taxes, fees etc. - £146.49; £19 to check in a bag; and then £9.50 each for airport check in - they won't let one person check in at the airport with the bag and the others check in online for free, oh no, you have to all check in at the airport and put more money into their greedy little paws.
The one that really gets up my nose though is the so-called 'payment handling fee' for paying by card - £4.75 per person per flight so another £28.50. What I don't understand is how they have the bare-faced cheek to charge us 6 handling fees for a payment we're only making once.
Grand total £447.46. 
If the service was good and the planes actually comfortable then I wouldn't mind so much, but it's just not worth that kind of money.
Had we been able to book this trip a couple of weeks ago we could have gone BA for the same price. Unfortunately all their flights that suited us have now sold out and we are left with no choice.
Last time I flew Ryanair I swore that I would rather swim than get on another one of their planes. Unfortunately Mr.B won't travel that way. I just feel sorry for #1 that her first trip on a plane (that she'll remember) is going to be in a yellow peril :(
Sorry. Rant over. Thankyou for your patience.

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