Friday, 27 March 2009

Need more boxes

Packed up all our videos too today (not doing too much as it's our wedding anniversary), but have come to a dead end temporarily after running out of boxes. Have sent Mr.B to get some more.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

How many books?

We've spent most of the afternoon cataloguing and packing up books, and the grand total is a little over 700!
The worst thing is that we seem to have barely scratched the surface of packing up the spare room. So much left to do... back to it tomorrow!

Monday, 16 March 2009

Bathrooms finished!

Gosh this is exciting isn't it? No, you're right, it's not.
Anyway, all the bathrooms are now decorated and back to normal usage. It's probably more exciting for us than it is for you.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Bathroom decorating

Another job that's nearly ready to cross off the list - Mr.B is busily spending his evenings this week decorating our ensuite and the downstairs cloakroom.
Unfortunately it means that the radiators have been taken off the wall so having a shower in the morning is very chilly *brrr*

Sunday, 8 March 2009


Feeling mighty pleased with myself this evening - got a piece of software called Delicious Library that lets you scan in the barcodes of your books or cds etc and catalogues them all for you. So today I have managed to scan and pack all our cds (useful to know exactly what is in each box). I've also scanned in 5 boxes of books that were packed up a few months ago when we reorganised the girls' bedrooms, and am all ready now to begin packing up the rest of them. Minor problem in that I kept coming across books I haven't read in such a long time, but I managed to restrain myself! At least I now know where they all are if I want them though.
Mr.B has also made a start today on decorating the 2 small bathrooms, so it feels like we're making progress. Which is good.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Garage clearance

Today we've made a start on clearing the garage, and the first carload has gone to the tip! We also have a huge long list of things to sell/freecycle/give away but I'm not entirely sure I can be bothered to deal with ebay so will be mostly given away I suspect.
Feeling much better as that was a job I wasn't looking forward to, but it didn't take anywhere near as long as I expected, and now that it's done we can start packing other stuff up now and clearing the house out down to the minimum ready to put it on the market.

Thursday, 5 March 2009


Not really what you want to be reading about somewhere you're going to move to, but hopefully it's a one off!

Departure date

For all those asking, don't worry we're not going just yet! The ideal time that we'd like to go is July/August so that RP can start at the beginning of the new school year, but whether or not that will happen depends on whether we're ready and if we can sell the house (not too easy of course in the current climate). If by some miracle the house does get sold quickly then we will go earlier, but at the moment it's not going to be till the summer.

Monday, 2 March 2009

Work has started...

Before we can do anything about selling the house, we need to clear out and decorate and make it look attractive. First step towards this was taken at the weekend. For the first time in the 4 years that we've lived here, we actually have a kitchen blind! Granted, it took me 3.5 years to find one that I liked that wasn't custom made and hugely expensive, but that's by the by!
Lots more to do though, and I see something else every time I go round a corner....